InstantDB Project
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Our Mission

Our mission is to promote the acceptance, usage, and continued development of Enhydra, a powerful Open Source Java™/XML application server. Enhydra Enterprise, currently under development, will offer full support Sun's J2EE™ specification.

We believe that through the efforts of the hundreds and soon thousands of developers world wide that have free access to Enhydra source code, it will evolve to become a product superior to any closed source software in both features and reliability. We also believe that corporate customers will benefit from Open Source Enhydra, not only because license cost to deploy is free, but because it allows for much quicker bug resolution, rapid feature enhancements, simple partial deploy, and no financial barriers to upgrading to most recent versions. Finally, due to the mass and worldwide aspect of the community, 24/7 help is easy to get.

Through the efforts of the Enhydra community, it is our intent to continue to evolve Enhydra so that it offers better performance, better scalability, better features and brings the closed minded, closed source commercial application server vendors to their knees! Many partnerships to enhance Enhydra in this manner have already been undertaken to add functionality such as Enterprise Java Beans™ (EJB), CORBA support, and allow Enhydra to offer full support for Sun’s J2EE™ specification.

Who We Are

Our Mission - Why are we doing this?

Hall of Fame - Find out some of the faces behind

Credits - Other open source projects leveraged by Enhydra. Thanks guys!

Partners - Corporate sponsors of the effort.

Mailing Lists - A concise summary of available mail lists.