It might be the url, as you suggest. Try forward slashes, /, instead of
double backslashes, \\.
However, you're also likely to run into security problems. InstantDB needs
to perform a lot of disk access and Applets generally don't allow this. The
security mechanisms for Netscape and IE were completely different (and
incompatible) last time I looked. Unless things have improved lately, you
may be in for a long haul through Netscape and IE websites to find the
necessary information and tools.
Have a look at
#jdbcappl for a quick and dirty fix for Netscape.
Peter Hearty
Lutris Technologies UK Ltd.
-----Original Message-----
From: jzhang <>
To: <>
Date: 04 August 2000 06:21
Subject: InstantDB: open connection from applet on local machine
>Hi, all:
>I have an applet which is on local machine. This Applet will open a
>connection to local database. The code is as following:
> Class.forName("org.enhydra.instantdb.jdbc.idbDriver");}
> catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { cnfe.printStackTrace();}
> System.out.println(getCodeBase());
> }
> catch
> (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace();}
>It works fine when I run this applet using appletviewer. But when I use
>Netscape and IE to test it, it shows that it can find the idbDriver, but
>the sentence
>Is it because that the URL representation of local test.prp file is not
>correct? How should I write that url?
>Thank you!
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