Type |
Synonyms |
Comment |
1 byte signed integer |
4 byte signed integer |
8 byte signed integer |
Varies with specification |
Descended from LONG. |
8 byte floating point |
4 byte floating point |
Descended from LONG |
Variable length String |
Single byte ASCII variable length String |
Binary data or long text |
Numeric Types
The various numeric types follow all the
same rules as their Java™ equivalents, with one exception.
The database uses the minimum negative number for BYTE, INT and
LONG types as its NULL representation. Any attempt to use the minimum
value with these types will result in a SQLException. This does
not apply to FLOAT or DOUBLE where "not a number" is used to represent
There is no seperate COUNTER type. Instead,
the column condition AUTO INCREMENT can be added to a column during
table creation.
e.g. CREATE TABLE table1 (int1 int AUTO INCREMENT)
The auto-increment condition can be applied
to both int and long column types.
It is often convenient to be able to switch AUTO INCREMENT off,
e.g. during IMPORT operations. This can be done in InstantDB using
the SQL:
To switch AUTO INCREMENT back on:
By default, all AUTO-INCREMENT int columns start at 1,000, and all
AUTO-INCREMENT long columns start at 10,000,000,000. All values increment
by 1.
You can alter the base value using the command:
SET INCREMENT_BASE {<base>|MAX} ON {<table>.<column> | ALL}
For example, to set the next auto-inc value to 100 you would issue
the command "SET INCREMENT_BASE 100 ON mytable.mycolumn". Sometimes
it is necessary to tell a column that it should find its maximum value
and then allocate auto-increment values above that. This is particularly
useful if a table has been imported from an external source. An example
of this would be something like "SET INCREMENT_BASE MAX ON mytable.mycolumn".
If a large number of tables have been imported then it might be convenient
to tell the database to set all the auto-increment columns to to be
one more than their maximum values. This can be done with: "SET INCREMENT_BASE
It is not currently possible to alter the
increment step.
InstantDB supports fixed precision arithmetic
using the CURRENCY type (see below). However, for compatability
with other SQL implementations, it also accepts the DECIMAL and
NUMERIC data types.
These are not fixed precision data types
in InstantDB. Instead they are mapped to INT, LONG or DOUBLE types
as follows.
Precision |
Scale |
Mapped type |
none |
none |
any |
> 0 |
1 to 9 |
none or 0 |
> 9 |
none or 0 |
Date Type
The DATE type is stored in memory and on
disk as a long value, just as Java™ itself does. InstantDB uses
its own date conversion methods to translate date and timestamps
into long values.
InstantDB provides a non-standard SQL extension
to control how dates are formatted for output:
format can include any of: dd, mm,
mmm, yy, yyyy in any order, with any seperator character. e.g
dd-mmm-yyyy. mm indicates that a
2 character number should be used. mmm indicates that a 3 character
string should be used. yy and yyyy indicate 2 and 4 digit years
respectively. The default format is "yyyy-mm-dd".
Once this command has been issued, all
tables created after it will store this as their date format.
Any queries against these tables will use the stored format to
represent dates. This command is connection specific, i.e. only
tables created on the same database connection will be affected.
Date values can actually hold the time
as well as the date. To access this, it is simply a matter of
changing the format string to include any of: hh, nn, ss and lll.
These represent hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds respectively.
For example
SET DATE FORMAT "hh:nn:ss.lll dd/mm/yyyy"
Will cause results from the next date column
created to produce output of the form: 13:12:58.626 16/11/1997.
When inserting values into a DATE column,
InstantDB also accepts the string "NOW", or "now", to represent
the current date. This will include only the date part of the
current time if the column format includes only date fields. The
full current timestamp can be stored using the string value "current
Note that InstantDB does not store nano-second
values, only milliseconds. Consequently, when a java.util.Timestamp
value is inserted into the database there may be a small rounding
error at the millisecond level.
Inserting a literal timestamp into a date
column will result in the full timestamp being inserted, regardless
of the date format. Timezone differences can also result in unexpected
values in a date column. To check what is really in a date column
try a command like:
SELECT TO_DATE(date_COL, "hh:nn:ss dd:mm:yyyy")
Date Functions
The following functions relate to Date
column processing.
Name |
Parameters |
Example |
Returns a date formatted according to format string. |
format |
to_date(date1, "hh:nn:ss dd:mm:yyyy") |
Returns the numeric value of the selected time field. The
fields are as defined in java.util.Calendar. |
field |
to_number(date1, 10) |
Interpreting 2 Digit Dates
By default, all two digit years are interpreted
as 20th century years. 21st century years are entered by specifying
4 digits. For many applications this is insufficient. InstantDB
therefore allows the property milleniumBoundary to be set in the
properties file. When set, this allows two digit dates less than
milleniumBoundary to be interpreted as 21st century dates.
e.g. If milleniumBoundary is set to 40,
then all two digit dates in the range 00..39 will be interpreted
as 2000 through 2039 respectively, and all two digit dates in
the range 40..99 will be interpreted as 1940 through 1999 respectively.
Currency Type
Another non-standard extension allows the
CURRENCY type to be parsed and formatted:
symbol|DECIMAL num. decimal digits}
A currency column is always created with
the current currency symbol and number of digits after the decimal
point. Once created, it retains those settings, even if new SET
CURRENCY statements change the global values.
The default currency symbol is $, and the
default number of digits after the decimal point is 2.
When entering currencies, the value can
either include or exclude the column's currency symbol. However,
if you include the currency symbol then you must also quote the
INSERT INTO curtable VALUES (200.00)
INSERT INTO curtable VALUES ('$200.00')
are both equivalent (assuming the default
global settings).
Currency values are held as appropriately
scaled java long values. So the value $300.00 is actually held
as 30,000 cents. Where InstantDB can obtain a context for evaluating
a currency constant it will apply suitable formatting rules. Thus,
the following statements all produce identical results.
- SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE cost <
- SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE cost <
- SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE cost <
For both DATE and CURRENCY types, the formatting
information is held on a per connection basis. So when you perform
a SET DATE or SET CURRENCY command, the changes affect only the
current connection.
When a CREATE TABLE is subsequently performed,
the format settings in effect for the current connection are stored
with any date or currency columns that get created. The formatting
options do not affect how values are actually stored, only how
they are displayed, and in the case of currency columns, how values
must be formatted for input.
Note that it is not currenctly possible
to have different format settings within the same table. So for
example, you couldn't display US Dollars and German Marks in the
same table. Similarly, you can't have two date columns in a table
where one only displays the date and the other only displays the
When a results set is created, the formatting
options for any columns in the results set are dependent on the
columns from which they were sourced. They are not dependent
on the current connection's settings.
Declaring a column to be of the BINARY
type (or one of its equivalents), allows it to hold an aribtrary
array of bytes. The JDBC™ driver will return such objects as byte.
Data can be inserted into a binary column
using several different conventions.
- As a string which describes a filename.
In this case InstantDB will read the contents of the file as
the binary data. e.g. INSERT INTO blobtable VALUES ("c:\example\binary.dat").
- As a string containing a sequence of
integers. e.g. INSERT INTO blobtable VALUES ("0x10, 0x20, 48,
- As a text string. e.g. INSERT INTO blobtable
VALUES ("hello world"). Note that, if you use the TEXT
or LONGCHAR pseudonyms for binary columns, InstantDB
will assume that you only want literal text in this column,
i.e. it will not attempt to interpret the data as numbers or
- As a single hex number. e.g. INSERT
INTO blobtable VALUES (0001021B1C1D1E1F).
- Using the PreparedStatement.setBytes()
and setObject() methods.
Be careful when using the "0x10, 0x20,
48, 64" style. The resultant values must fall into the normal
Java™ byte range -128..127. If the resultant value is outside
this range then it will be interpreted as a "short" and saved
as two bytes. If outside the short range, then as an "int", and
if outside the int range, as a "long".
The table containing the binary column
only holds a pointer to the actual binary data. This is held in
a separate "blob" file. InstantDB recognises two types of binary
data as special: Strings and Java Objects™. Strings are always
returned as Java™ String objects. Objects saved using the
PreparedStatement.setObject() method are returned in their native
Object format. Such objects must implement the java.io.Serializable
interface in order to be saved as binary data.
Blobs are cached just like any other data.
So be careful when handling large blobs. You might want to explicitly
declare blob columns as CACHE 0 ROWS.
InstantDB can handles strings via the CHAR(n)
data type. Strings can be delimited by either a single quote '
or a double quote ". Thus, 'a string' and "a string" are both
equivalent. Within a string, the other quote character can be
used freely: "Here's a string with a quote". The delimiter used
can be included in a string by using a backslash \ as an escape:
"He said \"How's That\"".
Remember that Java™ itself recognises
the backslash as an escape character. So while the above might
be OK for keyboard input, Within a Java™ program you'll need
to include a double backslash in order to pass the \ through to
InstantDB, and you'll also need to escape the double quotes. So
the above would be written in a Java™ program as: "He said
\\\"How's That\\\"".
You can also include horizontal tabs and
newlines in strings by using the usual \t and \n character sequences.
One more thing about strings. InstantDB
supports the non-standard extension IGNORE CASE in LIKE clauses.
will match all names beginning
with upper case 'A' or lower case 'a'. By default, string comparison
is case sensitive. You can make all LIKE comparisons case insensitive
by including the following line in the database properties.
ASCII Strings
InstantDB uses the Java™ standard char
and String types to hold string data. As with all Java™
character based data each character is therefore held as a two byte
Unicode character. Translation to and from local single byte character
sets is performed automatically by Java™ IO and inter-nationalisation
This has the advantage that InstantDB, simply
by being written in Java™, can handle a large number of character
sets with great ease. However, it has the downside that all string
data, whether in memory or on disk, takes two bytes to represent
each character. This is typical of Java™ applications.
Despite the very high capacities now available
both in terms of disk sizes and memory capacities, there remain
some environments, (such as hand held computers, personal organisers
and mobile phones) where compactness is more important than inter-nationalisation.
In such environments, InstantDB's SMALLCHAR data type can be used.
The SMALLCHAR data type takes a very simplistic
approach to handling ASCII characters: it holds the least significant
byte of the corresponding Unicode character. This corresponds to
the normal ASCII character set and can therefore hold the normal
range of Latin character sets.
SMALLCHAR columns can be used in every case
where CHAR/VARCHAR columns can be used, with the exception that
non-Latin character sets cannot be represented.
String Literals
Some development environments automatically
generate SQL statements of the form:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE "mycol" = "1234"
i.e. Both the column name and the target
value are quoted. By default InstantDB will accept this and will
search the column called mycol for the value 1234.
However this can cause serious problems
where a genuine string literal gets mistaken for a column name.
For example:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE "myothercol" = "mycol"
Should this be interpreted as a join on
the two columns, or a search for the text "mycol" in myothercol?
To dispense with such ambiguities, InstantDB
allows its default behaviour to be modified by setting the property
strictLiterals=1 in the database properties file. When set in
this way, InstantDB interprets all quoted strings as string literals.
The only exceptions to this are DATE strings which can usually
be interpreted from context.
The SQL:
can be used to change the behavior if
required. Note that any such change applies to all active connections,
not just the issuing connection. In the above statement, STRICT_OFF
is the default.
String Functions
The following functions relate to String
column processing.
Name |
Parameters |
Example |
Returns a string converted to upper case. |
string |
UPPER("abcd") |
Returns a string converted to lower case. |
string |
Returns a substring of another string. |
start (from 1)
length (optional) |
SUBSTR("ABCD",1,3) |
Returns the length of a string. |
string |