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Re: InstantDB: Stored Procedures

Stored procedures are of much less value in a database like InstantDB 
than with ones like Oracle. One of the main values of a stored procedure 
in Oracle is that you can make one call to the database, say over a 
socket connection, and execute several SQL commands. So, you don't have 
a lot of data going back and forth across a socket connection. But since 
instantdb is an embedded database, everything happens in the same 
process as the database anyway. You might just as well make two 
independent calls as one to a "stored procedure." If you want to reuse 
it, just encapsulate it in a class. Because the database is in-process, 
your entire system is like one big collection of stored procedures. At 
least, the tier that's accessing the database is.

What advantage do you see in stored procedures for InstantDB, besides 
the fact that it's the way you did it in Oracle?


Charlie Elgholm wrote:

> Hi!
> Hos does InstantDB handle "Stored Procedures" in the database. Is there some
> way to
> "compile" some kind of "package" with procedures/functions (methods) other
> than the global
> functions already implemented (i.e the "upper"-function). Does InstantDB
> perhaps support
> the option to compile Java-classes inline in the database that can then be
> called on
> with dot-notation like if I have:
> ----
> create or replace package/class myPackage
> {
> 	public String myFunction(String s){
> 		return s;
> 	}
> 	public String mySecondFunction(String s){
> 		return s;
> 	}
> }
> ---
> then I would be able to do
> ---
> select myPackage.myFunction(COLUMN_A) from TABLE_A
> ---
> The difference from your already implemented approach for the
> anonymous-functions (those not within
> a package/"class") is not that much. The only thing I see needed for this to
> work is that the database
> can spawn some kind of compilation-process when issuing a "create or replace
> package/class" command, and
> this could perfectly be the standard SUN JDK compiler. And then there must
> be some kind of way to append
> the context in which the database is in at the moment of method-calling,
> with context I mean a JDBC-connection-type
> and perhaps other useful information about in what state the database is in.
> Why I'm bothering you is that I have worked a lot with the Oracle database
> over the years and with their
> PL/SQL Stored Procedures. And I really like it a lot and I was thinking of
> doing the same kind
> of implementations within the InstantDB database.
> How about it, is this already in process, or have a stumbled upon something
> that I can help implement?
> Cheers!
> Charlie Elgholm
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