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Re: InstantDB: Can't see the changes being done on another connection

I'm not sure if you guys are dealing with the same issue.  Steve, I'm
sorry I didn't get to your question earlier, but I never got the email
for some reason.  In your case, it looks like you have different VMs
hitting the database, so it is expected that you won't be able to see
the data updated from the other VM until you restart the servlet VM. 
Here is where you could benefit using the RmiJdbc driver.  Not only is
this annoying, but you could end up with a corrupted database.

Alexei, I'm not sure what's happening in your case, but my first
question is, are you opening the database from one JVM only?  It looks
like this is the case.  If so, the problem may be that the data from the
one connection is not getting committed.  Is your connection pool
setting autocommit=true when you checkout a connection?  Are you setting
autocommit=false in other places?  If you're not already, try explictly
committing the data after you insert it.


Steve Carton wrote:
> Alexei,
> I hope you get an answer -- This is essentially my
> problem as well.  I ended up working around it by
> having the load program (which only runs once
> daily) restart the servlet engine, causing
> InstantDB to get rid of whatever cache it is
> maintaining.  Cheezy.
> Steve
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Alexei Trebounskikh" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 8:12 PM
> Subject: InstantDB: Can't see the changes being
> done on another connection
> | Hello everybody,
> |
> |   I guess my question has a lot in common with
> Steve Carton's one (March 28,
> | 2001 12:47 InstantDB: Flushing a cache), but
> unfortunately that one was
> | never answered.
> |
> |   I use InstantDB 3.26 and I have the following
> problem: my application does
> | the connection pooling, and I found out that
> changes done by, for example,
> | insert query, using one connection, are not seen
> using the other existing
> | connections, so the select query will not return
> the inserted row, even if
> | the connection which does this changes is
> closed. At the same time, new rows
> | are perfectly visible if I create new connection
> and execute the same select
> | query. I have to say that I really hate the idea
> to create new connections
> | all the time the change is made, but I'm running
> out of my own ideas. Could
> | you possibly give me the clue why it works this
> way and how this situation
> | can be avoided or fixed? Are there any
> connection or database properties to
> | play with?
> |
> | The quick answer will be truly appreciated.
> Thank you!
> |
> | Best regards,
> | Alexei
> |
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