InstantDB ignores the file extension. The ".prp" is just a convention.
It then uses java.util.Properties.load() to load the database properties and searches for
all known IDB properties, setting those that it doesn't find to suitable defaults.
The idea is that, even if you provide an empty properties files (or, as in this case, a
file full of non-properties), you still get a database.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Larry Kuhns" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 4:39 AM
Subject: InstantDB: Connecting to Any Text File
> when making a connection to a database, is there any validation that the
> file is in fact a "prp" file and not just any text file? I was testing the
> connection interface in an application that I am writing. I decided to test
> making a connection to a non-idb database file and surprisingly I obtained a
> valid connection, rather than trapping an exception.
> I then decided to try the same thing with SQLBuilder from the samples. I
> used the setpath.bat as the database file and during the connection here is
> what was created.
> setpath$db$Cols$pKey.tbl
> setpath$db$Tables$pKey.tbl
> $db$types.tbl
> setpath$db$Cols.tbl
> setpath$db$Indexes.tbl
> setpath$db$Tables.tbl
> setpath.jrl
> What is the procedure for verifying the file is a valid InstantDB prp file
> prior to or during a connection?
> Larry
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