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Re: InstantDB: No Rows Fetched - SQL Exception

I think there are two problems with your code. First you should call 'next()' on
a result set before accessing the first row. You forget to do that with 'rs1'.
Second, InstantDB can only have one result set open at the same time. As you
alredy have 'rs' open, you can't use 'rs1'. Being able to have at most one result
set open at the same time is compliant with the JDBC specification (although some
implementations allow multiple result sets to be open). This behaviour is
documented in the InstantDB documentation.

To solve your problem you would have to iterator over all the rows of 'rs' and
store the data in a container, e.g. 'java.util.Vector'. Then for each item in the
container execute the nested query.

Johan Stuyts

p singh wrote:

> Hi,
>    I am using instantDb 3.12 version. In my code, I
> execute nested SELECT queries.
> My first query executes the data as expected. But the
> second query throws an
> exception with the message "No rows fetched". SQL code
> = 0 and state = null.
> What causes the instantDB JDBC driver to throw that
> exception. I know there is
> data in the table that I query. I have another sample
> program which retrives the data
> successfully.
> Exception is thrown when it tries to execute
> code.
> Nested query looks somewhat like this (not the exact
> code)
> sql = "SELECT link_id FROM link_info";
> rs = stmt.executequery(sql);
> stmt.close();
> try
> {
>    while (
>    {
>       sql = "SELECT (fwd_bandwidth+bwd_bandwidth) FROM
> sdr";
>       sql = sql + " WHERE link_id=" + rs.getString(1);
>       rs1 = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
>      System.out.println(rs1.getString(1));
>       rs1.close();
>    }
>  }
>  catch (SQLException se)
> {
>   ....
> }
> I appreciate any help.
> Cheers,
> Pramod
> Mantra
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