Hi Peter,
I was wondering if you all had made any progress on this. For what I'm doing
now it's not critical since I can manage the creation of tables, etc.
through Toplink. On larger scale projects, this could get cumbersome.
Also, is there a commercial RDBMS that Instantdb is most similar to as far
as DDL? Toplink wants a specific DB selected (Oracle, Informix, etc.) for
performing DDL (even though it uses JDBC calls for the bulk of the work). So
far, I've selected Informix and it seems to work ok.
Lastly, on another thread, somebody was talking about CHAR(256) and how much
space it takes. This sounds like a VARCHAR to me, but is mapped to a CHAR in
the Instantdb documentation. It sounds like a VARCHAR would be better mapped
to a TEXT (BINARY). What are your thoughts as to this being a good or bad
idea? Is the only cost a little bit of performance for using TEXT?
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Hearty [mailto:peter.hearty@lutris.com]
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 10:41 AM
To: instantDB@enhydra.org
Subject: Re: InstantDB: DatabaseMetaData Support
Sounds like a bug. I'll look into it.
Peter Hearty
Lutris Technologies UK Ltd.
-----Original Message-----
From: BSmith@ixl.com <BSmith@ixl.com>
To: instantDB@enhydra.org <instantDB@enhydra.org>
Date: 30 June 2000 15:25
Subject: RE: InstantDB: DatabaseMetaData Support
>I noticed when I call the getTables() method and pass it as the last
>argument an array of strings of the types,
>if I use "TABLES" as reported by getTableTypes, I get no matches. If I use
>"TABLE" it returns my tables. Is this
>the correct functionality or should getTableTypes return "TABLE" instead of
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Peter Hearty [mailto:peter.hearty@lutris.com]
>Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 9:56 AM
>To: instantDB@enhydra.org
>Subject: Re: InstantDB: DatabaseMetaData Support
>Only some of the calls you need are actually supported, and some are only
>partially supported.
>getTables(...) fully supported
>getCatalogs(...) always returns an empty result set
>getTableTypes(...) always returns a single row with 'TABLES' as its value
>getPrimaryKeys(...) - partially supported - key sequence is incorrect
>getImportedKeys(...) always returns an empty results set
>Peter Hearty
>Lutris Technologies UK Ltd.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: BSmith@ixl.com <BSmith@ixl.com>
>To: instantdb@enhydra.org <instantdb@enhydra.org>
>Date: 29 June 2000 22:29
>Subject: InstantDB: DatabaseMetaData Support
>>I'm using a product (Toplink for Java) that requires that the following
>>methods are supported in the DatabaseMetaData interface. In the InstantDB
>>JDBC implementation are the following methods all supported?
>>Bill Smith
>>Senior Software Engineer
>>iXL, Inc.
>>4600 Cox Rd.
>>Glen Allen, VA 23060
>>tel: 804.217.8888
>>fax: 804.217.8890
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