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Re: InstantDB: SQL query does not run

you have to include idb.jar, idbf.jar, idbexmpl.jar in CLASSPATH. They
are  in InstantDB/classes directory.
  After that, run "java commsql"
It'll ask for the url of the database.
enter the url as :
  jdbc:idb:/home/tech/alok/myapp/appdb.prp (or whatever is the path to
you application.prp file)
    Then you can run queries just as you run in ISQL or sqlplus.


Thomas Vatter wrote:
> i tried to, but did not find some description about commsql. when i
> enter "java comsql" there is an sqlexception "no suitable driver".
> Alok Daipuria schrieb:
> > did you try running the query in commsql.
> >
> > -alok
> >
> >
> > Thomas Vatter wrote:
> >
> >> I have an sql select statement that does not run. No results are
> >> returned, further exection of the program is stopped. After
> >> "executeQuery()" , instantdb shows the query statement, and shows
> >> no exceptions. Here is the query
> >>
> >> Select
> >>
> >>      eintr.eintrn, stf.nme_praefix, stf.bzc, mng.wrt,
> >>      mng.enh, knz.wrt, knz.enh, stf.agg, gfh.kb1,
> >>      gfh.kb2, gfh.kb3, rstkmb.rst1, rstkmb.rst2, rstkmb.rst3,
> >>      rstkmb.rst4, stf.bgk, stf.wgk,
> >>      gbd.bzc, stc.bzc, rm.bzc, fchabt.bzc, ins.bzc, arb.bzc,
> >>      brb.vrn, brb.nch, eintr.doe, vrnt.vrn, vrnt.nch
> >>
> >> from
> >>
> >>      eintr, stf, mng, knz, gfh, rstkmb, gbd, stc, rm, fchabt,
> >>      ins, arb, brb, vrnt
> >>
> >> where
> >>
> >>      dor is null and doa is null and unme <> "zxy" and
> >>      eintr.stfn = stf.stfn and
> >>      eintr.brbn = brb.brbn and
> >>      eintr.fchabtn = fchabt.fchabtn and
> >>      eintr.gbdn = gbd.gbdn and
> >>      fchabt.insn = ins.insn and
> >>      fchabt.arbn = arb.arbn and
> >>      gbd.stcn = stc.stcn and
> >>      gbd.rmn = rm.rmn and
> >>      stf.gfhn = gfh.gfhn and
> >>      stf.mngn = mng.mngn and
> >>      stf.rstkmbn = rstkmb.rstkmbn and
> >>      stf.knzn = knz.knzn
> >>
> >> order by
> >>
> >>      stf.bzc, stf.nme_praefix, stf.agg asc, mng.wrt desc,
> >>      gfh.kb1, gfh.kb2, gfh.kb3, rstkmb.rst1, rstkmb.rst2,
> >>      rstkmb.rst3, rstkmb.rst4, stf.bgk, stf.wgk
> >>
> >
> >
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