>Is this boundary between system and user tables the only way to separate to
>types of tables?
Not quite. You could use DatabaseMetaData.getTables. It has a final field
String[] types. InstantDB recognises the types TABLE and SYSTEM TABLE which
allows you to distinguish between the two.
>I guess that idb adds 1 to the TableID when new tables is created and if
>gets dumped there will be a hole
>in the TableIDs. This is the reason for my boundary at 1040.
Yep - that's exactly how it works.
>You say that system IDs always are the same, is this also true for a once
>created user table that its ID is fixed ?
The IDs for the various system tables currently are fixed so 1000 is always
...$cols, 1001 is always ...$cols$pKey and so on. IDs for user tables could
be anything though. I keep meaning to document these tables but never seem
to get around to it.
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