The Enhydra Wireless section is to assist the community in further
learning and building of wireless Internet applications with Enhydra,
and to provide a comprehensive location for news and information
on this subject.
Through the Open Source process, Enhydra has added support for
the Wireless Markup Language (WML) in version 3.0.1.
Specifically, WML support was the result of modifications to the
XML Compiler to compile WML and to manipulate the resulting WML
DOM efficiently via Enhydra contributions by DigitalSesame (formerly
Topware Technology). Shortly thereafter, added
build rules for creating wireless Internet applications, and these
and other reference information became Lateral Software's tutorial
contribution, "WAP@Enhydra:
Unwiring Open Source."
If you're new to the wireless world the "XML
and Open Source Deliver Wireless Application Infrastructure"
article is a good introduction.
If you'd like to see and use Enhydra Web Sites that are delivering
WML output, visit Enhydra
Wireless Web Sites. There you will find a listing of deployed
sites for review and ideas on user interface design and content.