You're quite correct. Microsoft do not provide consistent command interpreters across
their various products. You would get the same problem on older versions of NT as well.
The supplied scripts are solely for use on Win 98. I'm afraid NT/2000 users have to use
"All Other Users" installation and set things up by hand.
Of course, if you want to write some scripts for 2000, I'm sure Lutris would gratefully
include them in future releases :-)
----- Original Message -----
From: "larry" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 6:52 AM
Subject: InstantDB: script change for windows2000?
> InstantDB folks,
> Running the demo from on win2k had a problem within
> examples/win98/start.bat
> which contains
> command /e:4096 /c call test.bat
> This syntax seems to be interpreted differently in win2k. For example:
> C:\larry\INSTAN~1\Examples\Win98>command /e:4096 setpath.bat
> Specified COMMAND search directory bad
> Microsoft(R) Windows DOS
> (C)Copyright Microsoft Corp 1990-1999.
> C>exit
> C:\larry\INSTAN~1\Examples\Win98>
> Removing all but the "call test.bat" worked. can you take a look?
> thanks,
> larry
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