Thank you for your help.
It is an existing table with existing data.
But it seems our problem was not revolving around that anyways, it was another
poorly written jsp and asp application that didn't even use auto increment it
used a table called sequence to store the latest id and then increment from
there, kinda odd...
The bald spots in my hair should grow back, right? argh!!
Nathan Cook
----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard S. Hall" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: InstantDB: Auto Incrementing
> Nathan Cook wrote:
> > I have a table called course_enrollments with these fields:
and I
> > would like to make the ID field auto increment. I have tried multiple
> > based on some mysql stuff that I know and some information that I was able
> > get off of this page:
> >
> >
> > Nonetheless when I insert null values into the db they remain null, instead
> > auto incrementing.
> Here is where I found the documentation on how to auto-increment and it worked
> for me, although I have decided to stop using InstantDB for the time being...
> Here is an example:
> e.g. CREATE TABLE table1 (int1 int AUTO INCREMENT)
> -> richard
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