Hi there .....
I've ran into this problem, I need to use a LEFT OUTER JOIN, but I seem
to be getting a ClassCastException......? I am runing version 3.25 by
the way.
Here is the query and exception:
select *
from NoOfColors LEFT OUTER JOIN JobEstimate ON
JobEstimate.noOfColorId = NoOfColors.noOfColorId,
NoOfColors LEFT OUTER JOIN JobEstimate ON
JobEstimate.jobTypeId = NoOfColors.jobTypeId
scripts/query.txt java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String
java.sql.SQLException: java.lang.String
at org.enhydra.instantdb.db.SQLProg.execute(SQLProg.java:276)
at org.enhydra.instantdb.SampleThread.run(ScriptTool.java:587)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)
When I select count(*) she seems to behave herself..... except for the
fact that it returns one row even if there is no data in the entire
database, this I thought was a little irregular eg:
select count(*)
from NoOfColors LEFT OUTER JOIN JobEstimate ON
JobEstimate.noOfColorId = NoOfColors.noOfColorId,
NoOfColors LEFT OUTER JOIN JobEstimate ON
JobEstimate.jobTypeId = NoOfColors.jobTypeId
Here are the create scripts for the two table I am trying to join, I
don't know but maybe this can give you a clue or two.....
e create table JobEstimate
jobEstimateId int not null,
jobTypeId int not null,
printerId int not null,
noOfColorId int not null,
sizeId int not null,
runOnQty int not null,
runOnPrice numeric(8,2) not null
e create table NoOfColors
noOfColorId int not null,
jobTypeId int not null,
descr varchar(64) not null
Hopefully there is enough info here for you to recreate the exception.
Thanks in advance.....
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