Have you checked whether you can create 2GB files on your file system?
I think a few OS have limitations at around about this level. If not,
then maybe there's a 2GB file user file quota in place.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Wilfred Leung" <wilfredleung@earthlink.net>
Date: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 1:49 am
Subject: InstantDB: table file size limit
> I was trying to insert a large number of records to a table that
> has two LONG's and two VARCHAR2's. My program does a commit for
> every 50 records it inserts. Once the table reached a file size
> of 2GB, I then received the following exception.
> main Exception during rollback java.sql.SQLException: IO problem
> while deleting
> row: 267601 java.io.IOException: Negative seek offset
> java.sql.SQLException: Disk write problem: java.io.IOException:
> Negative seek of
> fset
> at org.enhydra.instantdb.db.SQLProg.execute(SQLProg.java:276)
> at
> org.enhydra.instantdb.jdbc.idbStatement.execute(idbStatement.java:235)
> at dbbenchmark.instantdb.main(instantdb.java:59)
> Have I just reached a file size limit either in Java or InstantDB?
> Does the row (267601) tell me that InstantDB has only inserted
> that many records?
> Please help.
> Wilfred
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