Sehr geehrter Herr Herbst,
vielen Dank für die Übermittlung der Com!Online-Seite. Das hat mich auch
sehr gefreut. Insbesondere weil Ihre Inhalte sicherlich zu den besten im
Finanzbereich gehören.
Viele Grüße
Michael Kastner
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: []Im
Auftrag von Good, David
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 19. Oktober 2000 11:51
An: ''
Betreff: RE: InstantDB: SQL syntax question
You could use: WHERE (aColumn = ?) AND (zColumn = aColumb)
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Karwin []
Sent: 18 October 2000 18:36
Subject: Re: InstantDB: SQL syntax question
Cindy Tipper wrote:
> I've poured over the IDB syntax and can't seem to figure this one out,
> but perhaps it is due to a limited knowledge base of SQL....
> I want to write a query of the form:
> SELECT * FROM myTBL WHERE (aColumn OR zColumn)=?
(<col> OR <col>) = <expr> is not legal SQL. A bare <col> by itself is
not a valid boolean predicate, so it can't be combined with OR as a
boolean term in a search condition.
It's actually an ambiguous construction. Would the condition be met if
<expr> is equal to the value of either <col>? Or would the condition be
met if the boolean state of <expr> is the same as the state of the
boolean expression <col> OR <col>?
I know how _you_ want to use it today, but someone else might want the
other meaning.
Bill Karwin (
Application Architect - Lutris Technologies Inc.
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