Hello Peter,
would you please specify how to handle times and datums in scripts
kcode int PRIMARY KEY,
typ CHAR(1),
dcode int,
bezeichnung CHAR(100),
datum date,
time int(15,1) ); What is the type of iime ????
; put some initial data in the table
; how do you enter these values without the to_date item in the
; brackets when you have to hande the to_date item seperate
e INSERT INTO Kurse VALUES (1,"P",10,"Objektorientiert","",7.5);
; how do you get this expression into the field date ??
e insert into Kurse select to_date('01-01-2000','dd-mm-yyyy') from anytable
where id=1
best regards Frank
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: owner-instantDB@enhydra.org [mailto:owner-instantDB@enhydra.org]Im
> Auftrag von Peter Hearty
> Gesendet am: Freitag, 15. September 2000 16:21
> An: instantDB@enhydra.org
> Betreff: Re: InstantDB: to_date function
> Gerald
> In InstantDB, insert values are not general purpose expressions.
> Selects are
> allowed in expression however, so you could do something like:
> insert into titi select to_date('01-01-2000','dd-mm-yyyy') from anytable
> where id=1
> Regards
> Peter Hearty
> Lutris Technologies UK Ltd.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gérald Quintana <quintana@lyon.objectif.fr>
> To: instantdb@enhydra.org <instantdb@enhydra.org>
> Date: 27 July 2000 16:12
> Subject: InstantDB: to_date function
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