I've some troubles with the to_date function. Here
is a small sample code for commsql
Enter SQL string, or . to exit create table
titi(d date) main create table titi(d date) Enter SQL string, or . to
exit insert into titi values('1999-12-31 59:59:999') main insert into titi
values('1999-12-31 59:59:999') Enter SQL string, or . to exit insert into
titi values(to_date('01-01-2000','dd-mm-yyyy')) main insert into titi
values(to_date('01-01-2000','dd-mm-yyyy')) main insert into titi
values(to_date('01-01-2000','dd-mm-yyyy')) Don't understand SQL after:
"insert" Expected: "}" found: "(" java.sql.SQLException: insert into
titi values(to_date('01-01-2000','dd-mm-yyyy' )) Don't understand
SQL after: "insert" Expected: "}" found:
"(" at
at jdbc.idbStatement.execute(idbStatement.java, Compiled
Code) at
commsql.main(commsql.java, Compiled Code)
I create a simple table called titi with a date
column. When I insert a date using JDBC format (seen in this mailing list), it
works. When I use to_date function, it doesn't...
The same SQL script works well on an Oracle
I'm using InstantDB v3.13
Thanks for your help