If you're using InstantDB version 3.14 you should see a message to stdout
when you close the connection to tell you that the database is shutting
down, followed (quickly) by a message to say that the shutdown has
completed. If the message doesn't appear then there's probably another
database connection lying around.
I can't think of anything off the top of my head that would account for
this. In the idle period, do you see any database activity or memory usage?
Peter Hearty
Lutris Technologies UK Ltd.
-----Original Message-----
From: Guy SATGE <>
To: <>
Date: 13 July 2000 08:41
Subject: InstantDB: Reconnection problem
>We are developping Web site using InstantDB and JRun/Apache (or Tomcat
>3.1/Apache) through a simple JDBC connection and JDK 1.3.
>During the development, we encountered the following problem on both
>systems (JRun and Tomcat) :
>We connect to the InstantDB database (through a servlet), make some
>queries, then close the JDBC connection. When we try to reconnect to the
>database after a while (about 4 or 5 hours), we must shut down the
>servlet due to CPU and memory utilization growing up to 100% of
>available resources. If we do not make the first connection to database
>(but the servlet is running) and wait for a long period (4 or 5 hours),
>the problem doesn't seem to appear. If the time between two connections
>is under this period, it works fine !
>Has anyone experienced the same problem ? We have read some discussion
>on problem during connection closing, what is it about ?
>Guy Satge
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