I'm in the process of evaluating InstantDB and have downloaded and
tried out both versions, 3.13 and 3.14 beta. Using the sampe.prp
as my database and a modified version of found in
Examples, I created a table called temp as follows:
create table temp (name varchar(32))
>From here, I started two commsql sessions and carried out the following
1. commsql session 1: <select * from temp> no records found
2. commsql session 2: <insert into temp values ('joe')>
3. commsql session 2: <commit>
4. commsql session 2: <select * from temp> the record 'joe' was
5. commsql session 1: <select * from temp> no records found
So my question is "Are there parameters I should be configuring to
enable databas integrity, or is it the case that InstantDB is unable to
handle concurrent update from different sessions??"
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