Several people have experienced this. BatchUpdateException is a Java 2
class. It appears that some JDK 1.x classloaders check for every class
referenced by a loaded class, even if that referenced class is never
actually instantiated.
Not all classloaders do this, e.g. the Sun JDK 1.1.8 seems to be able to run
the latest InstantDB OK, provided that Java 2 features are not used. Which
JDK are you using?
Possible work arounds include:
1) If you're using 1.1.7, try upgrading to 1.1.8.
2) If Java 2 is an option then try using that instead.
3) If (2) is not an option then try placing rt.jar from Java 2 at the end of
your classpath.
Peter Hearty
Lutris Technologies UK Ltd.
-----Original Message-----
From: Cummings, John <>
To: '' <>
Date: 24 April 2000 12:27
Subject: RE: InstantDB: How to scripts?
>tony marshall/peter hearty,
>see below. any idea why dbvisualizer is throwing this exception? would
>indicate no batch update, but tony says he has used the tool.
>john cummings
>Connecting: Regatta
>PureClassLoader.loadClass(): jdbc.idbDriver
>InstantDB - Version 3.12
>Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Instant Computer Solutions Ltd.
>Exception occurred during event dispatching:
>java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.sql.BatchUpdateException
> at se.pureit.util.PureClassLoader.loadClass(Compiled Code) at
>java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Compiled Code) at
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tony Marshall []
>Sent: Friday, April 21, 2000 5:27 PM
>Subject: Re: InstantDB: How to scripts?
>The program that runs the scripts is in the Examples directory.
>You will need to modify it a bit to use your script file and prp file.
>There is a shareware program you can download called DBvisualizer. It has a
>GUI interface for running scripts. By the way, I am just an InstantDB user.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Craig Wynn" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Friday, April 21, 2000 1:56 PM
>Subject: InstantDB: How to scripts?
>> The Examples directory has some script files. On viewing them I am given
>> to understand they a scipt files for generating tables etc.
>> It is not clear what is used to execute the scripts?
>> I made a copy of sq1.txt and renamed it. Then I edited parts to create a
>> 'customer" table. Some parts of this script I commented out with ; in
>> the 1st position.
>> I created a "cenex.prp"
>> I executed: java commsql customer.txt
>> This however did not create a customer table even though this script
>> does has a create statment as used in the sql.txt that is in the
>> Examples folder/directory.
>> Am I stuck having to do everything from the commsql command line?
>> thank you
>> craig
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