A good way to do this is to switch logging on in your database by setting
traceLevel=2 in the properties file. You can then experiment by making
DatabaseMetaData.getColumns calls and watching the SQL that InstantDB
generates for them. You can then cut and paste the SQL.
Peter Hearty
Instant Computer Solutions
-----Original Message-----
From: Bregitte Pracht <>
To: <>; <>
Date: 29 October 1999 14:00
Subject: xxx$db$tables and more ...
>I have a question somewhat related to this topic.
>I am interested in determining the user-defined tables and their
>fields and fieldtypes while using SQL only (not DatabaseMetaData).
>To determine the user-defined tables I do this:
> select TableName from xxx$db$Tables
> where TableID > 1005 and Type = 1
>Once I have the user-defined table names, how can I determine
>the fields (and associated fieldtypes) a given table contains?
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