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Re: InstantDB: Unable to turn off escape character in Statement


I'm not really sure why this problem is happening. I ran the little test
script that you were good enough to provide and it seemed to run OK.

If you were writing a similar query inside a Java program then you'd have to
double the number of backslashes, i.e.

"SELECT uid FROM login WHERE name = 'testAc\\\\=coun=t1'"

so that the Java compiler could escape the escapes, but you probably already
know that.

> Is Statement.setEscapeProcessing() supported by InstantDB?

Yes - but I don't think it does anything.

> Should I rather use a PreparedStatement?

You could try. The prepareIgnoresEscapes=0 property setting in the database
.prp file would then come in useful.

If none of the above helps then get back to me and I'll scratch my head a
bit more.




Peter Hearty               
Lutris Technologies (UK)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pierre-Yves Chevalier" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 3:59 PM
Subject: InstantDB: Unable to turn off escape character in Statement

> Hi,
> I'm trying to perform a simple SELECT based on a weird value:
> "testAc\\=coun=t1". My query turns to be:
>      SELECT uid FROM login WHERE name = 'testAc\\=coun=t1'
> I did turn off escape processing both in the prop file as suggested by
> Bill Karwin and within my own code: stmt.setEscapeProcessing(false);
> In both cases, I got the following exception:
>      java.sql.SQLException: Unknown escape character: \= (Thread:
>      main, at:Mon Oct 23 17:38:10 CEST 2000)
>      java.sql.SQLException: Unknown escape character: \=
>              at
>      org.enhydra.instantdb.db.tokenList.classifyChar(,
>      Compiled Code)
>              at
>      org.enhydra.instantdb.db.tokenList.parseTokens(,
>      Compiled Code)
>              at
>      org.enhydra.instantdb.db.tokenList.<init>(,
>      Compiled Code)
>              at
>      org.enhydra.instantdb.db.SQLProg.<init>(
>              at
>      org.enhydra.instantdb.jdbc.idbStatement.execute(,
>      Compiled Code)
>             at
> Is Statement.setEscapeProcessing() supported by InstantDB?
> Should I rather use a PreparedStatement?
> I would appreciate a bit of help there.
> Thanks in advance and keep up the good work.
> --Pitch
>      ; First load the JDBC driver and open a database.
>      d org.enhydra.instantdb.jdbc.idbDriver;
>      o jdbc:idb=sample.prp;
>      ; Create the table and its index
>      e DROP TABLE testescape;
>      e CREATE TABLE testescape (
>       id   int PRIMARY KEY,
>       fullName  CHAR(80) );
>      ; put some initial data in the table
>      e INSERT INTO testescape VALUES (1,"Alice");
>      e INSERT INTO testescape VALUES (2,"Bob");
>      e INSERT INTO testescape VALUES (3,"testAc\\=coun=t1");
>      q SELECT id FROM testescape WHERE fullName = "Alice";
>      q SELECT id FROM testescape WHERE fullName =
>      "testAc\\=coun=t1";
>      c close;

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