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Enhydra: Enhydra is Making Waves...

I guess it's not enough to sit back and watch Enhydra become
a leading force in the application server market... 
it's time to make some real waves...

Lutris Technologies, founder/sponsor of Enhydra and, wants to take the gloves off and offer real opinion 
on technology and business for the fast-moving Enhydra community.
Making Waves is a regular column authored by Enhydra
luminaries, semi-regularly anchored by Brett McLaughlin, Lutris'
Enhydra Strategist and author of O'Reilly's "Java and XML" book.
The inaugural topic addresses Brett's view on the essential 
nature of open source technology and how we've been ripping each 
other off anyway...  why not be "open" about it?

The goal of the bi-monthly Making Waves is to supply the Enhydra 
community with thoughtful content and insight that provides a 
provoking glimpse or two to complement the incredible day-to-day 
discussion that rages on the Enhydra mailing lists.

Not stopping with a single column, Lutris Technologies is also
making a whole new publication of equally insightful and deep
content available from its upcoming Lutris Newsletter.  Populated
by hot topics that address business and technology points-of-view,
the Lutris Newsletter is a new publication that covers topics from
the cutting edge to Enhydra in the business world.  

Some of the article ideas we're kicking around include ...

"how I started my company with Enhydra..."
"XSL versus XMLC" (gee, no controversy here!)
"Advice to the PHP/Perl migratory folks"
"Using Enhydra XMLC with that BEA stuff"
"Streaming Media from Enhydra"

We think this will be a lot of fun. And if you want to promote your 
Enhydra products, technology and/or services, stay tuned for an 
announcement about your opportunity to advertise in the Lutris 
Newsletter.   To receive the Lutris Newsletter, following the 
Making Waves link to the Lutris Newsletter registration link. This 
link lives at:

As editor of this new pub, I'm looking for topic suggestions and
article submissions.  Feel free to email me directly at


David H. Young, Chief Evangelist
Lutris Technologies, Inc.
1200 Pacific Avenue, Suite 300
Santa Cruz, CA 95060 USA
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